Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I need to keep close track of all the BM that Nelson has.

 Yeap! I know it sounds Coo Coo yet it is very important. His BM will let me know how is he tolerating the food and if should stop certain

 food and introduce it later or if I am on the right track. His gut needs to be cure before he can tolerate all kinds of food, and he needs to

 detoxify in order to get better and to clear the toxicity that is clouding his brain!

There is beautiful song that he likes a lot from the movie Cars, is called behind the clouds!, 

(click here: http://www.cduniverse.com/search/xx/music/pid/7051109/a/Cars.htm  and then click on the track number 4) that song really gets to me because as an analogy of what I believe is happening: the song is talking about the clouds and how behind them the sun is shining. I know that when Nelson gets to be detoxify he will see the light of the sun as I see it, and then we will talk about it and have some drinks looking at the sunset. J

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