Friday, December 12, 2008


Nelson is doing well at school. I keep a very detail record of all the new things that he is learning. I am so happy to know that apparently 2 boys from his class have found in Nelson a good friend. For Nelson there is no such a thing just yet, a mainstream boy of his age will have a best friend (at least one), and for me to know that Nelson is starting to play somehow like having a “best friend” is awesome.

I love the notes that the teacher send me every day, I asked questions to her using a notebook, so every morning I sat in the computer and I write my questions and I print them out and then a affix them to the notebook. I use the computer because I do not want to make any spelling mistakes (hehehehehehe). After try and error, I discover the best way to formulate my questions was to be specific and then have the answer being yes or no. So for example I will ask something like this: Does Nelson likes to ride the tricycle on the playground? Yes or No. So the teacher only needs to circle one or the other, and that way there is time for her to answer the questions of the other mothers (I was asking a 100 questions and she was getting a little frustrated). So in that way I get to know a lot about my son when he is away from home. It is hard sometimes that I do not get to be with him all day, yet I know school will be definitive in his journey to overcome his condition.

He comes home so Happy from school I like that! The other thing I love is to open his lunch box and see that all is gone. That is like super mega special, yesterday he ate a small size carrot (raw) and the teacher wrote that he loved it! YEAHHHH!!!

He is letting me give him his cod liver oil and his coconut milk kefir without fussing, so it has been two days and I am praying that he starts liking it so I can increase the dose from 2 table spoons to 4 oz in the morning and 4 oz in the afternoon. Yeah I know is a lot to ask, yet I am confident he will surprise me like he always does and he will like it more and more each day!

Umm I am waiting for the probiotic (the new) to come, we will see if it works.

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